Over on the blog, I talked about the top four ingredients to use for a great Christmas season. But I wanted to give some practical advice on how to attain the very first one I mentioned: Being more present.
Listen, I struggle with this one. I’m constantly fighting the battle to be in the here-and-now. My mind wanders down the road like a lost traveler. And I’m especially prone to getting sidetracked by the black hole that is my phone.
And that, my friend, brings me to the most practical tip I can give you about being present: Put down your phone!
Our phones are stealing so much time from us. They’re stealing time from our families. They suck us in, and the apps on them are specifically designed to not let us go – especially social media ones.
I’m implementing a new plan this Christmas season when it comes to my phone. I’m locking it away. A year or so ago I bought a contraption that looks like a small box. I put my phone in it, set a time, and it locks it away. I need to get back to that. I’m going to get back to that. That’s my commitment to you (and my family).
The last tip I’ll give you is this: say “yes” more.
Yesterday my son came into my office and said, “Daddy, can we do an activity together?” It was toward the end of the work day, so I was still engrossed in getting things done. Everything inside of me wanted to say, “Just hold on buddy. I’m almost done.”
So what did I do? I said, “Just hold on buddy. I’m almost done.” And now I’m sitting here regretting it. I had the prime opportunity to be present with him and make a memory, but I chose the work that was still going to be there over spending time with him.
Friend, say “yes” to the opportunities to be present and make memories. Don’t live with the regret of saying “no” like I am. Put your phone down. Let’s make this season one where we are fully present.